"A real discovery for those who love the music full of spirit and truth" - EL ARTE DE LA FUGA

Elevadores EBAM


Elevadores EBAM


Columna Música (2013)

A flawless and exquisite interpretation”.

"A recording for pianists and piano lovers, a real discovery for those who love the music full of spirit and truth". Andres Ruiz Tarazon

Released by Columna Música records in 2013, Alex Alguacil’s studio recording features the complete piano works of Salvador Brotons. Performed with remarkable sensitivity, Brotons’ piano works integrate into the rich Catalan musical tradition elements such as Russian and American sounds, revealing an omnivorous musical taste and a deep knowledge of the profession. The CD includes the premiere of Brotons’ First Piano Sonata, a piece of creative maturity. The work, which contains most of the features of the composers’ style, has been specially written and dedicated to Alex Alguacil. Undoubtedly, a solid contribution to the piano repertoire.

Elevadores EBAM

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Alex Alguacil

Concert pianist

piano clasico

concertista de piano